# §Florences
* [[People who aspire to be world-class flock to do groundbreaking things flock to Florences once they become well known]]
* [[A Florence needs accessible low-cost-of-living lifestyles]]
* [[Florences require a world-class high-profit discipline and a world-class cultural discipline]]
* [[A Florence is a city with multiple world-class scenes]]
* [[A city can become a Florence multiple times]]
* [[Florences are going to have a lot of inequality]]
* [[Florences pull in people of multiple disciplines]]
* [[A Florence is a location in time and space]]
* [[Florences are sticky]]
* [[Singapore could become the Florence of the 21st Century]]
* [[There are concrete things that can be done to attract misfits]]
### Questions
* [[What made Florence a Florence?]]
* [[Why do people go to a Florence?]]
* [[What is the difference between a Florence and simply a ‘top city?’]]
* [[What makes a Florence Sticky For People?]]
* [[What makes a Florence stop being a Florence?]]
* [[How often do people realize a Florence while it is still a Florence?]]
* [[What makes a Florence start being a Florence?]]
* [[Has anybody studied what made Paris Paris?]]
### References
* [[Taste for Makers - PG]]