Top of mind

(Updated 2024-05-26)

The intention of this page is to serve the function of a /now page - shamelessly stealing the idea of a notes-based now page from the indomitable Andy Matuschak.

Most of my time is spent runningSpeculative Technologies — an industrial lab for public goods that runs programs and FROs to unlock materials and manufacturing technologies that don’t have a home in other institutions.

This entails:

Here are some indexes into topics that I have a lot of evergreen notes on:

Some very top-of-mind things (most of these links won’t work because I haven’t actually finished the notes on them!):

Doing all of this constantly raises new questions, like:

On the physical front, I’m gunning hard to do v6s consistently. Running and lifting are in maintenance mode; I’m basically trying to maintain speed/strength/distance but not striving to hit any goals.

Top of mind
Interactive graph