# Stakeholders I freaking hate this word because it is so vague and many uses of it are an excuse for laziness instead of being more precise about roles, but for [[Complex System]]s of people where different people with different roles actually do all have an effect on the system. It may actually rankle me because I hold onto a reductionist <[[How powerful is reductionist thinking?]]> view of complex systems (or I just don’t believe the system complex is actually complex). ![](D02350C3-1DAA-4FBC-88AE-8A1EB94B393C.png) <!-- #mental-model --> [Web URL for this note](http://notes.benjaminreinhardt.com/Stakeholders) [Comment on this note](http://via.hypothes.is/http://notes.benjaminreinhardt.com/Stakeholders) <!-- {BearID:5645597E-37F3-4C04-A79B-3EDBD942FDAA-469-0001203B3CC980BE} -->